If it’s ok with you, I’d like to tell you why Bob paid us $20,000 more than we asked for. It will definitely give you some insight into how we operate and hopefully will give you something you can take away for your own business practices as well. Also, just to be transparent, it's a shameless plug.
Bob is a business OG. He runs a successful marketing agency, has sold a company in the past, and teaches marketing to MBA students just for kicks. I’ve been trying to work with him for years. Finally, he called me up. He had an app that needed to be built and wanted us to do it. I was excited to work with him and in my eagerness offered him a pretty good deal, around $50k. But Bob didn’t just take the deal and run...he asked more questions. Basically, he figured out that my profit on the $50k wasn’t super high.
So, he said “no, let’s do it for $70k”.
Now, this is the only case where I’ve had a client negotiate for a higher price, but we’ve had a lot of people tell us we are the most expensive out of the developers they've received quotes from...and they still go with us anyway.
So, why are we priced higher than others, and why do people choose us anyway? More than that...why do over 90% of clients use us for their hosting and maintenance after the initial build (instead of taking the well-built app to a cheaper developer for maintenance)?
Trust and quality.
People trust us in the beginning, people trust us after they launch, and people trust us when they’re ready to add more to their app. We pick up the phone when people answer. We fix problems when they arise (and trust me...there are plenty of problems in projects this size!). We get the app launched.
As far as quality goes, we spend more than some other companies on the people we hire and spend a lot on constantly improving our systems and processes. We take it really seriously when people spend not only their money, but also their time with us. Because of that we aim to create the best quality team, service and end products possible.